Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bowen Island: Soon To Be Just Like Everywhere Else

I'm starting this blog cause I'm annoyed at all the pseudo government types around here pretending to have the best interests of Bowen Island at heart while they are just trying to divert attention from their true purpose, Self Enrichment.

I hike all over this island in the woods, on trails and off of trails, and I'm quite sure that nobody really understands the full extent of the devastation under way in so many locations across the island. My mission for the summer is to visit all the sites being developed on a large scale by greedy little developers who are smart enough to apply for one or two permits at a time, so no attention is drawn to their grand ambitions, and then post the photos here for all to see.

Check back here throughout the summer for updated photos and explanations of who is behind these projects.
James West

1 comment:

Rob said...

Hi James,

I'd appreciate knowing more about who you are in your blog. In the meantime, I've put a link to your blog in my blogroll at